<Book 3 कैवल्यपाद [RS] YOGA-SUTRA 4 - KAIVALYA PADA: ABOUT LIBERATION [JW] BOOK FOURTH - ISOLATION [SS] KAIVALYA PADA - Portion on Absoluteness [EB] ABSOLUTE INDEPENDENCE Substances and subconsciousness iv. 1 - 13. Correspondence between imperceptible forms of substance and latent impressions of concentrated states. iv. 12. Past and future as such exist; [therefore subconscious impressions do not cease to be]. For the different time forms belong to the external-aspects. iv. 13. These [external-aspects with the three time-forms] are phenomenalized [individuals] or subtile [generic-forms] and their essence is the aspects (guna). Polemic against Idealism iv. 14 - 23. Knowledge of the stream of consciousness is impossible unless it be a permanent order as contrasted with a succession of transient appearances. Complete Self realization of the Self iv. 24 - 34. All hindrances subside; all acts of the Self are spontaneous and free; absence of limitations which thwart one who wishes to attain the ultimate ideal of his own nature. |