तदा विवेकनिम्नं कैवल्यप्राग्भारं चित्तम् ॥२६॥ tada viveka nimnam kaivalya prag bharam chittam ||26|| [RS] 4.26 Then the power of discernment (viveka) will be strengthened and all that is mutable in human beings (chitta) will take the path of liberation (kaivalya). [JW] 4.26 Then the mind-stuff is borne down to discrimination onward towards Isolation. [SS] 4.26 Then the mind-stuff is inclined toward discrimination and gravitates toward Absoluteness. [p220] [EB] 4.26 At that point, the mind, inclined toward discrimination, gravitates toward ultimate liberation. [p449] <Page 4.25 Page 4.27> | tadā = then viveka = discernment; power of discernment nimnam = incline towards kaivalya = liberation prāk = orientation; inclination bhāram = weight cittam = spirit; mind; understanding |