सदाज्ञाताः चित्तव्र्त्तयः तत्प्रभोः पुरुषस्यापरिणामित्वात् ॥१८॥ sadajnatah chitta vrttayah tat prabhoh purushasya aparinamitvat ||18|| [RA] 4.18 The true self can always observe the misconceptions (vritti) in that which is mutable in human beings, because this pure self (purusha) is not in motion. [JW] 4.18 Unintermittently the Master of that [mind-stuff] knows the fluctuations of mind-stuff [and thus] the Self undergoes-no-mutations. [SS] 4.18 Due to His changelessness, changes in the mind-stuff are always known to the Purusha, who is its Lord. [p216] [EB] 4.18 The permutations of the mind are always known to its master, the purusa soul, because of the soul's unchanging nature. [p436] <Page 4.17 Page 4.19> | sadā = always jñātāḥ = known citta = all that is mutable in human beings; mind; spirit vṛttayaḥ = waves; thought waves, misconceptions tat-prabhoḥ = from one’s master; master puruṣasya = the true self; drashtu aparinamitvat = owing to immutability |