
शब्दार्थप्रत्ययामामितरेत्रराध्यासात्संकरः तत्प्रविभागसंयमात् सर्वभूतरुतज्ञानम् ॥१७॥
śabdārtha-pratyayāmām-itaretrarādhyāsāt-saṁkaraḥ tat-pravibhāga-saṁyamāt sarvabhūta-ruta-jñānam ||17||

[RS] 3.17 The name, task and experience associated with an object are interconnected. By meditating (samyama) on the distinction between these three, we attain knowledge (jnana) concerning the form of expression of all living beings.

[JW] 3.17 Word and intended object and presented-idea are confused because they are erroneously identified with each other. By constraint upon the distinctions between them [there arises the intuitive] knowledge of the cries of all living beings.

[SS] 3.17 A word, its meaning, and the idea behind it are normally confused because of superimposition upon one another. By samyama on the word [or sound] produced by any being, knowledge of its meaning is obtained. [p184]

[EB] 3.17 Due to the correlation between word, meaning, and idea, confusion ensues. By performing samyama on the distinction between them, knowledge of the speech of all creatures arises. [p339]

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(शब्द, śabda) = word; sound; name of an object
(अर्थ, artha) = object; purpose; meaning
 (प्रत्ययान, pratyayāna) = thought; content of the mind; experience
(इतर, itara) = the one
(इतरेतरा, itaretarā) = one another
(अध्यास, adhyāsa) = interrelated; based on
(संकर, saṁkara) = mixture
(तत्, tat) = these
(प्रविभाग, pravibhāga) = separation; differentiation
(संयमात्, saṁyamāt) = concentration; contemplation; samyama; meditation
(सर्व, sarva) = all
(भूत, bhūta) = living beings
(रुत, ruta) = sound; language; speech; form of expression
(ज्ञान, jñāna) = knowledge; understanding