
सर्वार्थता एकाग्रातयोः क्षयोदयौ चित्तस्य समाधिपरिणामः ॥११॥
sarvārthatā ekāgrātayoḥ kṣayodayau cittasya samādhi-pariṇāmaḥ ||11||

[RS] 3.11 The transition to insight (samadhi-parinama) is characterized by the mutability in human beings (chitta) becoming progressively less scattered, whereas the tendency toward consolidation increases.

[JW] 3.11 The mutation of concentration is the dwindling of dispersiveness and the uprisal of singleness-of-intent belonging to the mind-stuff.

[SS] 3.11 When there is a decline in distractedness and appearance of one-pointedness, then comes samadhi parinamah (development in samadhi). [p181]

[EB] 3.11 The attainment of the samadhi state involves the elimination of all-pointedness [i.e., wandering] of the mind and the rise of one-pointedness [i.e., concentration]. [p318]

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(सर्व, sarva) = all; many
(अर्थ, artha) = related to
(सर्वार्थत, sarvārthata) = state of mental scatteredness; many objects
(एकाग्रता, ekāgratā) = consolidation; concentration; one-pointedness; an object
(क्षय, kṣaya) = decline; dwindle; cease; progressively less
(उदय, udaya) = to rise; to increase
(चित्त, citta) = all that is mutable in human beings; mind
(समाधि, samādhi) = transcendent state; absolute knowledge
(परिणामः, pariṇāmaḥ) = change; evolution